Web development

Content is the key to successful online communications. We understand the importance of audience habits, message clarity and how to avoid sacrificing usability for the sake of technical or creative ego.


Web and online content – We produce websites, internal intranet/extranet resources and any other type of content that will be viewed or used electronically.

Site architecture and layout – The old saying “Failing to plan is planning to fail” also holds true in the world of online content. We can help you understand your required outcomes and work with you to ensure the pieces are in the correct place to achieve them.

Content Management Systems – If you need help managing content on an ongoing basis, we have experience in the use of your Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Moodle and similar systems.

System usability audits – If you’re looking for an outcome that is simple, intuitive, and features clear instruction, then so are we! As firm believers that usability – whilst it must marry with technical requirements and design elements – is an area of expertise in its own right, this has always been area of focus at e-interact.

Online games – Either stand-alone or within the framework of a course or other resource, there are few more effective ways to get your message across than when your end-user is having fun!

E-communications – Reach out to your stakeholders or communications database via regular e-newsletters. We can create templates, manage lists and create list segments, output messages and schedule roll-outs.

App development – If you want to offer more than a website and give your audience something useful and portable that can also potentially collect data and link with other systems, apps are popular and experiencing massive growth as a communications tool.